Registration deadlines & Fees
Registration Type | Fee (EUR) | Payment Deadline | Remark |
Early Bird | 130 | 10th July 2018 | Mandatory for all non-student presenting authors |
Regular | 180 | 1st October 2018 | |
Student | 90 | 1st July 2018 | Mandatory for all student presenting authors |
Accompanying person | 90 | 1st October 2018 | |
Field Trip | 50 | 1st October 2018 | Visit to Sea Turtle Rescue Center of the Aquarium Pula and tour to Brijuni National Park |
Early bird, Regular and Student registration fees include all conference materials, coffee breaks, attendance to plenary talks, all conference sessions, workshops and social events (Welcome reception, Conference dinner).
Accompanying person registration fee includes attendance to welcome reception and conference dinner.
Attendance to the field trip is optional. Field trip program includes visit to Sea Turtle Rescue Center of the Aquarium Pula and guided tour to the Brijuni National Park, including a lunch in the historic center of the City of Pula.
Early Bird registration deadline | 10th July 2018 |
Abstract submission deadline | 10th July 2018 |
Registration fee payment deadline for presenting authors | 10th July 2018 |
Travel grant application deadline | 10th July 2018 |
Abstract acceptance notification | 15th August 2018 |
Travel grant awards notification | 15th August 2018 |
Regular registration deadline | 1st October 2018 |
Registration deadlines for accompanying person | 1st October 2018 |
NOTE: In order for abstracts to be accepted, reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and included in the Conference program and the Book of abstracts, the registration fee payment deadline for all presenting authors is July 10th 2018 (student and non-student).
Payments should be done of the account of the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation. Two types of payment are possible:
- By credit card via Pay Pal
- Or by direct bank transfer.
For registration, payment and abstract submission click here.
Editors, press reporters and bloggers from verified media outlets will receive free editorial press badges. To obtain a press pass, a reporter should send a formal request to the Organizing Committee (medturtleconf2018@famnit.upr.si) at any time, but no later than 3 days before the conference.
Cancellation and refund request must be received in writing via e-mail (medturtleconf2018@famnit.upr.si). A processing fee of 40 EUROs will be charged for cancellations received until 31st August 2018. Refund requests will not be accepted after 31st August 2018. No refunds will be issued for no-shows. Allow up to four weeks for refunds to be processed.
Organizers & Supporters
Organizing institutions
Department of Biodiversity
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
University of Primorska
Koper, Slovenia, EU
Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation
Veli Lošinj, Croatia, EU
President of conference
Bojan Lazar (University of Primorska)
Conference secretary
Matic Jančič (University of Primorska & Blue World Institute)
Travel grant chair
Aliki Panagopoulou (ARCHELON – the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece)
Steering committee
Bojan Lazar (University of Primorska)
Draško Holcer (Blue World Institute)
Lobna Ben Nakhla (UNEP MAP-RAC/SPA)
Veronique de Cussac (Bern Convention)
Organizing committee
Bojan Lazar (University of Primorska)
Draško Holcer (Blue World Institute)
Matic Jančič (University of Primorska & Blue World Institute)
Tilen Genov (University of Primorska)
Peter Glasnović (University of Primorska)
Aleš Oven (University of Primorska)
Mitja Tretjak (University of Primorska)
Živa Fišer Pečnikar (University of Primorska)
Manica Balant (University of Primorska)
Mateja Zekan (Blue World Institute)
Martina Lužnik (University of Primorska)
Supporting Organizations
UN Environmental Program – Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP-MAP)
Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC-SPA)
Council of Europe – Bern Convention
IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group (MTSG)
Wildlife Computers (WA, USA)
CLS – Collecte Localisation Satellites (France)
Lotek Wireless (ON, Canada)
Aquarium Pula (Croatia)
Brijuni National Park (Croatia)

Travel grants
The organizers of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles are pleased to announce that travel support is available to assist participants in their efforts to attend the meeting. Travel grants may include accommodation and/or cash award to partially cover transportation costs to the conference venue in Poreč, Croatia. Please note that these grants should not be expected to cover the full cost of travel and accommodation.
Priority for travel support will be given to students, those presenting papers or posters, and to individuals from under-represented countries. The organizers will look favorably upon those who demonstrate efforts to secure additional sources of travel funds or matching grants. If you are in need of assistance for travel to the conference, apply via the website before the deadline, 1st July 2018. No late applications will be considered.
Applicants should follow this procedure (for detailed guidelines see below):
- Register for the conference
- Complete the online travel grant application in full prior to the 1st July 2018 deadline.
- Submit your abstract to the conference for consideration*
* Chances of receiving a travel grant are greatly reduced if not intending to present a paper or poster
Awards will be announced by August 15th 2018. Please contact Aliki Panagopoulou (aliki@leatherback.org) with any questions. Grant recipients are expected to:
- attend the entire conference,
- volunteer for the conference where needed and
- provide proper acknowledgement of travel support to the conference organizers and sponsors.

Nominations for president of the 7th Conference
Call for proposals for a President and host of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (2021)
In agreement with the secretariats of conventions supporting organization of Mediterranean Marine Turtle Conferences and IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group, we are opening a call for the president and principle organizer of the next, 7th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles in 2021!
Until now, conference presidents were selected by a six-member Nominating Committee appointed by the conventions. In order to make the selection process more transparent and democratic, the conventions and MTSG agreed to change the selection procedure. Therefore, the next president will be elected by secret ballot voting, by participants of the 6th Conference in Porec.
On behalf of the conventions, we invite all of you interested in organizing this important event for sea turtle researchers and conservationists in the Mediterranean to submit your nomination proposal for president and host of the 7th Mediterranean Marine Turtle Conference.
The President is responsible for the preparation, organization and running of the Conference in collaboration with the Secretariats of the conventions. The candidate for the President should satisfy the following basic criteria in order to be considered eligible as the principal organizer:
- He/she should be established and well known expert within the Mediterranean sea turtle community, willing to undertake all responsibilities related to organization and realization of the conference, including fund-raising, preparation of the conference program and proceedings, and communication.
- He/she should have adequate institutional backing (e.g., University, NGO), the main use of it being available to receive funds and clearing up the finances of the conference, in compliance with the accounting procedures and financial laws in the respective country.
- He/she should indicate the location of the conference and the existence of the appropriate facilities (i.e. conference venue, accommodation facilities), preferably close to an international airport and well connected.
The proposals should mandatory contain the following information:
- Name, surname, institution position and CV of a candidate for the conference president;
- Description of the institution background and available organizational support, including fund-raising possibilities;
- Description of organizing plans, location, travel possibilities and available venues.
Applications containing all requested information should be sent by e-mail to medturtleconf2018@famnit.upr.si.
The application deadline is October 17th 2018, 12:00 h, CET. All applications will be uploaded on web page of the 6th Conference (marine-turtles.eu).
The next president will be elected through secret ballot voting by all registered participants of the 6th Conference, on October 18th. The election process will be supervised by the conference Steering Committee. The president and host of the next, 7th conference will be officially announced at the banquet dinner on the same day, and through the MedTurtle list server.
We encourage all of you interested in organizing this important event to submit your proposals within the above deadline.
If you have any question, we will be happy to assist you!
Mustapha Aksissou: Proposal for hosting 7th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (download)
Aliki Panagopoulou: Proposal for hosting 7th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles (download)

Department of Biodiversity
Faculty of Matematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
Glagoljaška 8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia, EU
Tel +386 5 6117 570, Fax +386 5 6117 571